Wonderlands Featured Run -- Week 6 (05-05-2022)
Lots of Rogue Lite here makes this featured run a little more difficult to navigate.
- Skeletons and Trolls (Butt Stallion)
- Rend and Rupture
- Skeletons and Crabs (Melee Damage) - Green Rune
- Frozen Vengeance
- Butt Stallion Buff
- Skeletons and Eyeclops (Fire Spirit) - Blue Rune (on the stone wall to the left before up the stairs to the portal)
- Gems
Blue Hat Monstrosity
Cyclops and Skuttles (Sacred Ground)
The Sacred Ground to the left is slightly easier to deal with, as there is a poison (?) barrel in the right one.
- Critical Connoseur
- Skeletons and Shrooms (Time) - Yellow Rune
The shrooms on this level will trigger a lot of frozen orbs.
- Party Time
Trolls and Skeletons (Dragon Lord Statue)
Alt Run
- Rend and Rupture
- Frozen Vengeance
- Toothless
- Bullwark Buddies
Alt Alt Run
Frozen Vengeance is incredibly annoying sometimes... To avoid this reduce the frustration (spoiler: it can't be avoided unless you skip all of the curses), take a slightly different path through the trial...
- Butt Stallion Buff (Rend and Rupture)... skip the curse on this one
- Butt Stallion
- Gems
- Curse
- Curse (Frozen Vengeance, can't avoid it here since Rogue Lite is the other option.. but the important part is we got past the sacred ground level)
- Butt Stallion Buff (Critical Connoisseur, Toothless is also fine)
- Gems